Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Watch Pinky For Free Online Christians, A Little Help With The Concept Of "free Will". Does God Have "free Will"?

Christians, a little help with the concept of "free will". Does god have "free will"? - watch pinky for free online

If the answer is yes, does not mean that when viewed with the joy of children were raped and killed to remember (he is all powerful, making it less effort to prevent these things, what it takes to move your little finger) with their free will to choose not to help these poor children?

Or is it that God has no free will is limited by a greater power?


Uh Yeah! said...

God has no free, otherwise I do not know what happened from one moment to another.

If God knows what will happen, how can you not have control over everything? God can not change or control everything, because it is known that he would do. Where free will is in all this? So, no, God has free will. Therefore, it can be powerful and therefore can not exist.

Yehoshua said...

Sometimes it is difficult to accept these murders and rapes. Understand that is the fact that God wants the best for us, regardless of their religion.
There is to understand two things here.

1. When they die, go to heaven, and must live in peace, those who think surviving victims of rape and to you that the Christians in difficult love which does not kill you makes you stronger, Navy believe that only ideaology.

2. God gave us the physically fit, never came, by their plans and will ultimately happen, the Apocalypse.

Jessica said...

Remember, he gave us free will and we, the opening of sin and death. I did not want us at all, but we have created for ourselves.

I really think you need to get a new nickname. I do not want to sound rude, but I was not really. Of course you can keep it if you wish, but not what I feel and I think that's wrong.

byHisgra... said...

The man who disobeyed God, so that there are consequences that go with it. The main consequence is the sin in the world when it happened. God warned Adam, but he listened anyway. But if God created man, he gave the man dominion over all things on earth. When man disobeyed God and listened to Satan, the man who issued the domain of Satan. Satan is the master here now. The man saw that this was not to blame God for what man has made. And yes, there is evil in this world. It is because of sin and Satan, and the man, who were involved. God gave the people everything, and the last days of man. Now the country is under a curse, because they do not curse, and until Jesus comes again to cancel and create a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no more pain and suffering.
God is the righteous judge of all. He can not sin, nor tolerated. Anyone who attacks a child respond to Jesus in the terminus White Throne. You will not get away with it forever.

Kevin said...

God forbid that the children raped and murdered. Allows people. We let all the evil in the world happened. God allows us only to make the world as we wish. It is likely that the hope of God that one day we learn ...

jeyaalli said...

What are you doing ..? and .. What is your mission?
Looking for something to keep your knowledge .. or
Sitting somewhere at the top .. And tries to ... for fun .. .. Some ..??!

In any case, I will try to shed light on your question ..
FREE WILL, that sought in biblical terms ..
is the point .. You think ... I'll just leave ..
Without going into a debate that you .. .. Price

Each person is equipped with a selection to choose
nothing like his wish ..
God mentions in the Bible, not by force
God, mentioned in the Bible, only the places before anyone comes to read the Bible, would do something
really very convenient in practice ..
It is for readers to meet the rules and practice
from what you expect ..!
or ignore all ..
It's like any good .. can be found at Walmart or similar
POS .. and nothing more ... .. its easy .. one .. Please send ... what he wants ... andignore that .. No. ..!

NOW / .. The next part of the hearing .. is an attempt calliberate
God .. If you think ... Not .. All-Mighty ... LEAVE it ... Only ...
He has never .. talk ... that you ... .. all ... You would ..!

AutumnWy... said...

The premise of your question is seriously damaged. It is a power greater than God.

White Bread said...

decides not to help. Period.

Me me me said...

He has free will.

People of different religions have left their religious leaders and teachers to wonder why there is so much suffering. Often the answer is that suffering is the will of God, and he long ago determined everything that could ever happen, including tragic events. Many say that God's ways are mysterious or that death brings the people, even children, so you can have in heaven with him. As you have learned, however, does Jehovah, God, which is not bad. The Bible says: "Far from acting unfairly acting true God, godless, and the Almighty to!" Job 34:10.

You know why people make the mistake to blame God for all the suffering in the world? In many cases, they blame Almighty God because they believe he is the true ruler of this world. They know a simple truth, but is important as it teaches the Bible. The real ruler of this world is Satan the devil.

Satan is more powerful than God Almighty?

NO ....

To learn why God allows suffering, we can pass the timeWhen he began to suffer. When Satan led Adam and Eve disobeyed God, an important question. Satan had no objection to the power of the Lord. Even Satan knows that there is no limit to the power of the Lord. Rather, Satan questioned the right of Jehovah's reign. With the call of God is a liar who pays his subjects refused to purchase, Satan, that Jehovah is the supreme evil. (Genesis 3,2-5) Satan implied that mankind would be better off without the government of God. It was an attack on the sovereignty of the law governing Jehovah.

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