How dark would a baby most likely be if both the parents are mixed with black and white ? - baby dark toungue
Me and my girlfriend has a baby. Mixed-color (black and white) and black my skin is not real, but its light is not real. U can say that I am "black" at. My GF is a little easier by me. but u can say he has black in her. that our child is really fair skinned or dark, a bit like me?
Anything can happen. My husband is half Japanese and I am white. I hoped that my children throughout Asia, and nothing like me. I was wrong. My daughter has brown hair and green eyes and my son has blonde hair and blue eyes. Only Asian Mixed other mothers can say my children are mixed and both my children look like me. I think after my own children could have black hair, black / brown and dark eyes. Regardless, your baby will be beautiful.
It is impossible to know. Although the baby (probably how their parents and so) outside of the light, the gene is random. The baby could become a target in the search for one of you, or you can use a gene that makes it much darker take.
The only thing we can really do is wait and see.
It all depends on genes and their genes and their mixture. The baby will probably be a skin color than any of you or a color between the two.
You will quickly find out when the baby is born, more than anything else to wait, too!
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